
What would early woman say!

In the same week, the worlds oldest shoe has been found  a new college course teaching women to walk in high heels has been in the press.  

The shoe, a British size four, has been dated at around 5,500 years old and has been perfectly preserved under sheep dung! Made of cowhide and with lace detailing, they don't know if it was a man's or woman's, but I'm sure it was a woman's with all that attention to detail! 

It crazy to think how we've evolved since then, that to get ahead in business we need to be trained how to walk in high heels.  So much for progress, that the way you walk rather than the work you do will make you successful.  The course has been designed to teach women skills to succeed in business, it is called Sexy Heels In The City and involves tutoring women in the art of wearing high heels.

It doesn't take a six week course to learn how to walk in high heels, it just takes confidence, practice and if you're unlucky a couple of plasters! Come on girls, we've evolved, don't let our ancestors down!


Anonymous said…
haha WOW
thats really interesting

btw, you can never have TOO many shoes

i am a new follower of your blog!
care to follow me back?
Make Do Style said…
I need that course I'm rubbish at high heels xx

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