Love's got the world in motion

We are officially on the countdown to the World Cup; the flags are being raised, England T-shirts are being bought and advertising has been kick-started.  As per usual, its time to dust out the official world cup songs, so here is my favourite from the nineties. 

I'm actually looking forward to this, there's a buzz in the air and match-viewing parties being planned.  Plus the fabulous Miss Alicia Keys is opening the games with no doubt, another fantastic performance. Which time will you be supporting?


Crystal said…
Adorable blog! Right when I saw your blog's title I knew you were a woman after my own heart. ;P

I'm very excited about the World Cup! I'll be rooting for Mexico and Argentina. No solid reason why, really. I just love those two countries. (I'm such a bad soccer fan, haha.) Can't wait to read you more!
I hope South Africa can win, if not have my eye on Spain and not just the good looking players! Am sooooo excited!

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