Getting SOCIALble

I'm back at work and busy developing new social media products with my colleagues to raise awareness of our services. I work for the MOD on a Communications Team, our Agency provides services to the Armed Forces and veterans communities.  Whilst I use social media such as blogger and Facebook for personal use, I need to use these platforms differently to highlight our key messages.  Its definitely keeping me on my toes!  It's estimated there are around 4.8million veterans in the UK and with our Armed Forces, its a large customer audience that we need to reach and I'm looking forward to the new challenges this presents.

PS I'm working on a new post. Does your husband or boyfriend ever comment on the number of shoes you have? Perhaps its time to take a look at how many trainers or shoes he has in his collection!  I've been secretly counting up the number of trainers in my husband's collection and believe me, he is giving me a run for the money.  Post to follow . . .


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