Shoe of the week

So I have two more weeks until my 40th birthday, that means there is still plenty of time to research shoe possibilities for my birthday present.

It does feel like a moral dilemma, deciding on a pair of designer shoes in this current climate but what the heck, isn't the world meant to end in 2012.  So if I can, I am going to go out in style!

So, now the question is . . . do I make a statement with my designer choice? Or do I choose classic style?

Well my current 'shoe crush' is on these statement shoes by Camilla Skovgaard at Net-A-Porter, I'm going to start research my classic choice now.


You are only 40 once and if footwear is your obsession I say go for a killer pair and leave the classics for later!
Vix said…
I adore those shoes, I'd wear them in a flash. x

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