Bad shoe day

Harvey takes care of business

These past few weeks, I've been in a bit of a rush: lack of sleep, lots of work, domestic goddess duties and total dis-organisation caused a temporary lack of fashion focus last week.  I had dug out a pair of summer shoes without thinking (yes, we actually had a sunny day last week!). By the time I got to work, it was too late to realise that I had on a pair of dated but most importantly uncomfortable pair of shoes I own.  And somehow, due to a packing mishap these heels had become scuffed, so not only were they painful, they were also battered.  What was I thinking?  As soon as I got home, they were heading straight for the bin. Luckily at home I have Harvey, the Jack Russell equivalent of a CIA Cleaner who disposed on the offending shoes.  The situation with decent work shoes has yet to be resolved . . .

By the way, Harvey was having some problems with his hair growing too long over his eyes so we gave him an emergency haircut. He looks years younger, so a great new haircut wonders wonders for dogs as well has humans!

Haircut still needs some work but at least he can see his food!


Vix said…
Ahhhh! I'm glad Harvey loves shoes as much as his mummy does. xxx
Perdita Tinsel said…
Wah! I HATE shoes that are uncomfortable and boring. Uncomfy I can take...boring (if needs must) I can bear...but both, bah. I know exactly where you were coming from when you said they were bin-bound...
Sharon said…
Hi there! Harvey looks adorable indeed! Hate uncomfy shoes, very frustrating!! Thanks for your comment, thats amazing about the price of the Christian Slater film, its awesome how quickly things like this rise in value!! xx
Harvey is gorgeous. I love the picture of him with the shoe xx

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