I am a bad bad blogger!

So much to do, so little time! I'm really busy at the moment: working, spring cleaning, etc. I haven't had much time to blog or catch up on all those lovely blogs I follow. I've got some posts I need to do about recent purchases, birthday plans, I just need to get organised.

I'm also finding that 'all work and no play' is making me boring so I cannot wait until Easter is a couple of weeks to have a couple of drinks and a relaxing time.

I'm dreaming of a nice cold beer
Its now 236 days until my 40th birthday so I'm starting to make plans for celebrating my birthday. I've just realised that I am 'nearly' only ten years younger than SuBo, I honestly thought she was older than that! Not sure if I feel traumatised by the fact that there is only a decade between us. I'm also dreaming of a pair of Louboutin Bibi shoes which are top of my birthday present wish list too. I am off to get organised and get back to my blogging duties.

I have 'Bibi' fever!


Sharon said…
Hi there-Is Bibi fever catching, it could well be as they are gorgeous, lol!! Have a great week too xx
OMG... I'm only eight years younger than Subo!! xx

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