Who needs Take That when we have John!

I have eclectic music taste, anything from Elvis, Steps, Feeder, Kylie to Oasis. To be honest, if I like the sound of it, I'll listen to it, regardless of its genre. The last time I actually have a favourite band was Deacon Blue in the late eighties, early nineties, who can resist singing to Real Gone Kid when its playing on the radio?

Due to the current financial climate, I'm trying to reduce my spending so unlike the rest of the country (or so it seems) I haven't been able to justify spending over £80 on a ticket to see Take That. Don't get me wrong, I quite like them, even saw them around three years ago. I just feel that the price is far too high, when their fans are probably going to be feeling the pinch by the time the concerts are held next year. But that's just my opinion, however on a pre-planned trip to the theatre to see John Barrowman last night, it was an opportunity to compare another entertainer's approaches to the current climate.

Now, I must explain that John Barrowman is a guilty pleasure for me, I can't explain why except that he is just quite perfect (botox is amazeballs) and an all-round entertainer. The tickets were a mothers Day present for my mum. He was straight on the stage at 7.30 pm and entertained us with show-tunes, current songs and jokes until we left just after 11.00pm. All for the cost of £20. Its what he said towards the end of the show that really made an impact. He thanked the audience for putting their hand in their pockets to buy a ticket when the country was experiencing such hard times.

With the increasing cost of concert tickets at odds with the real financial situation we are all in, wouldn't it be nice if the music industry could take John's lead and really appreciate music fans rather than creating a high demand for an expensive product.


Tesla said…
I'm a huge fan of John Barrowman, having been introduced to him by way of Torchwood. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing him in concert but look forward to it one day.

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