The philosophy of car boots

I must write a disclaimer to this post first, this is a tongue-in-cheek post based on a couple of experiences I've had recently at car boot sales. I know that a lot of people can find great bargains at these sale and are just regular normal people but my recent stalls has had some quite quirky customers . . .

We've probably got a few more weekends this year to take advantage of the almost sunny weather, clear out the clutter and make some money at local car boot sales.  I've recently done two car boots and now know how to make the most out of a car boot sale.  The first car boot sale I would say was my litmus test and then, by the second sale I really got my sales technique perfected.  These are my tips for a great sales day:
  • price up your merchandise before placing out for sale, it reduces the haggling of prices, customers have a firm idea of what you want them to pay and you more often than not you get the price you want. It took my niece and I hours to label all our items but it did the trick!
  • clothes, costume jewellery, handbags, and shoes are key items that sell at car boots, as long as they are in a decent condition then someone will want to buy them;
  • don't expect to sell stuff for big amounts, if you've got something that you want to make a profit on then that's what's ebay is for;
  • Be pleasant and make small talk, not only does it make the day go quicker but it also helps build up a customer relationship;
  • To make more out of your sales, match up items to create outfits, this worked for me and generated more sales.
  • Make labels to provide more info on your item eg Monsoon 100% silk, this again helps create a sale and sometimes explains why you want a bit more cash for it;
  • Don't go alone, it helps to have someone manning the store while you put to the loo or someone to share the fun with;
  • People will visit your stall and forget that they are at a car boot sale and expect that you will have the same pair of shoes in various sizes, it happened to me!
  • People will also ignore the fact that your products are laid out of paste tables, held in assorted boxes and feel that they are visiting Harvey Nicks and expect first class service while displaying few manners themselves,
  • That sometimes you won't make a sale because you have standards. One visitor to my stall completely complained and disrespected my products then proceeded to tell me how much she was going to give me for them (far less then I wanted) I politely told her that I would rather throw them in the bin than sell them for that price! On my second sale, I sold the items for the price I wanted to a far nicer customer;
  • prepare for all weather condition: take wellies, take flip-flops, wear layers, take sun cream and have a float made up of pounds and silver coins;
  • take a cooler bag of food and a hot flask of tea to last you through the day, unfortunately those freshly made donuts and hot carvery sandwiches will both tempt you and make you spend your well-earned profits!
  • Look around your home and your wardrobe, if its not tied down or you've lost the love for an item then get it in the boot!
Now with the August Bank Holiday approaching this might be one of the best opportunities to get to a sale and sell, sell, sell! So enjoy the weekend and happy car booting!


Make Do Style said…
Hahaha the Harvey Nicks comment is so true!!
Sharon said…
Hi there-fabulous tips especially for the sellers, but my big tip is-go to buy the bargains, lol!! if you're prepared to rummage, there are hidden gems for the taking!! x
Pamela said…
hey just found your blog and glad I did cos im thinkin about taking the results of a recent clear out to a car boot and i've never done it before!

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