Can anyone lend me £500million pounds?

I read this article today, its rumoured that Tamara Mellon is gearing up to sell Jimmy Choo.  I'm sure I'd make a great shoe-shopkeeper, although I'd be concerned about my profit margin mainly because I would want to keep all the shoes to myself.  I'd probably want to move into the shop too so I could surround myself with shoes. 

If I could find some fellow shoe-lovers who are thinking the same thing, then perhaps we could club together and buy Jimmy Choo.  At this present time, I've got £10 to kick-start my funding bid, I just need to find at least 500 million shoe-lovers to put in a £1 each and we are on our way! Hey a girl can dream, can't she?


Count me on for a pound!;-)
lol great idea!
I'm in! Just let me know where to send my £1!
Make Do Style said…
Lets get a consortium together!
And glad it isn't just me that watches The Good Wife!
CameronPoe2409 said…
I wonder if I can set up a charity on justgiving to make Jimmy Choo a British institution to help women get out of their shoe rut!

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