Man versus woman

Have you ever had one of the conversations with your husband or boyfriend, when you arrived back from a shopping trip with bags of lovely new things. Then he says the immortal line  "Not more shoes!"

Whether its your money or his money that's been spent, it still manages to make you feel guilty and that you are beating Amelda Marcos at her own game.  That your shoes are taking over the house, spilling from every shelf or cupboard, that there is barely room to swing a pair of Louboutins, let alone a cat because of your addiction to heels. 

But have you ever considered the man's addiction to footwear?  I've had the opportunity to establish the true number of my husband's footwear collection while doing up our house.  His trainers now housed in some great wicker baskets, his shoes (expensive and good quality I must add) stored like precious cargo on the shelves of his wardrobe, their numbers could rival my shoe collection easily.  Trainers are on par with designer heels, the adidas ones pictured are rare with only 390 made in the world.  The research into buying them just as intense as searching for that perfect holiday.  

I think men could give us girls a good run for our money in the purchase of footwear, though they'd never admit it!  Have you checked out your man's shoe collection lately, I'd be interested to know the results.


Sadly my husband only wears Gucci loafers and your right he moans at me all the time about buying shoes!

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