Red or Black

Forget the nation's current obsession Red or Black, This is my kind of game, choose which is your favourite shoe - red or black?

So will it be RED?

Or will it be BLACK?

Only you can decide . . .


Red! I really want some red heels. I haven't been watching that stupid programme, glad its the last one!
Please may I? said…
For me red wins hands down!

X x
Another vote for red - I love the different colours around the platform section!
Vix said…
I love those red ones, the platform does it for me. x
Pearl Westwood said…
BOTH!!! I can never choose! Funny you should mention clashing tights I just posted about it x
Pearl Westwood said…
Oh p.s to still get updates from my blog you need to change from my old url to my new on in your blog roll: thanks
CameronPoe2409 said…
I love the red shoes too, I definitely don't like the programme though! xx

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