Just seven little things

Me on a pre-Christmas day trip to Manchester, wrapped up because it was blooming cold up North in 2010! I've recently been given a Versatile Blogger Award by Crystal from the Twenty eight and a half blog. Now, there are some rules to receiving this award: 1. Thank and link back to the blogger that awarded you the badge. 2. Share 7 things about you. 3. Award 5 – 15 other bloggers. 4. Contact these bloggers to let them know about the award . So first of all, thank you Crystal for nominating me! Now, seven interesting facts about me . . . shouldn't be too hard, should it? Well, at first I panicked and thought, have I really got anything interesting to say about myself. So I've dug deep and hopefully produced a couple of facts that might help you find out a little more about me. So let's get started! My obsession with shoes - this stems from when I was around two or three up to the age of eleven. Due to some development issues with my feet ...