Let me introduce myself

Here's some random facts about me . . .
  1. My shoe size is a UK size 6
  2. I've been on a couple of television shows, not totally by choice. I managed to get in the background of filming or accidentally sat in front of Peter Kay's mum on Gordon Ramseys Kitchen Nightmares and Peter Kay's Live at the Tower.
  3. I've met Prince Charles.
  4. Due to the fabulous editing of GMTV and street interview with me and a friend regarding binge drinking at Christmas, a number of colleagues and my future in-laws saw the report on the morning telly with me stating 'that everyone should just go for it' rather than discussing how people really go for it and drink too much when they are off for a couple of weeks during the Christmas.  The editing made it look like I gave a battlecry for everyone to get completely loaded,
  5. I totally lost my street cred when I met David Thewlis at a Travis gig and got really excited about his role in Harry Potter and couldn't stop talking about it!  I blame it on over-excitement or too many pre-gig drinks.
  6. I still haven't to this day decided what my favourite colour is.
  7. My favourite flower is the hydrangea.


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