My new obsession

A year ago, I decided to do something about getting healthy and making time for exercise.  

I'd tried a gym and managed to fall off  a treadmill, my attempt at Zumba was one spin too many and trampolining keep fit resulted in painful knees and a struggle to get up off a train seat.

But I've caught the running bug! This time last year I started to go running, after seeing an online post about starting up a small running group.  My early running days were a struggle, barely able to jog let alone run for a minute.  But I stuck to it and can now run for ten minutes nonstop, actually run! The beach promenade is my gym, a early morning run on a Saturday morning is my work out and I am ready for more.  Instead of a new years resolution, I set myself challenges for this year including running my first 5k and by spring I aim to do this.

It does mean that some of my footwear choices lately haven't been about the height but more about comfort and speed, but it doesn't mean compromising on style.  So let me introduce you to my latest acquisition, this purple and neon yellow New Balance running shoes.  Perfect for me and perfect for running. Happy Days!


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