Half way there

My search for a green dress has resulted in failure.  I have just over a week until my cousin's wedding and have only sorted the key parts of the outfit.  I've not found the dress I really wanted so I'm feeling a bit un-confident about the outfit I have so far.

Instead of getting the perfect dress and building the outfit around that, I've planned the outfit around my shoes, probably not the wisest way to go.  Here's what I have so far.

The shoes from Mr Louboutin . . .

The dress from Dorothy Perkins . . .

A ring from Swarovski . . .

And this bag from Dune @ Debenhams  . . .

I'm hoping some costume jewellery will help


Pamela said…
i got a green dress from Alexon for a wedding, got it in Debenhams but also avaiable direct and in Frasers :D
Pearl Westwood said…
I always start with the shoes you cant go wrong!x
Abi Gray said…
I think this looks like a gorgeous outfit. Amazing shoes can carry any outfit. Xx
Please may I? said…
And with such beautiful shoes why not base the outfit around them?

The dress looks stunning.

X x
Check out the East website, jewellery is so cheap!
Unknown said…
That dress is very very lovely :))

Lots of love,

Enter my studded corset giveaway in collaboration with Kat Valdez!
Unknown said…
Wow, those shoes are just fabulous.

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