The cocktail hour that lasted nine hours

Got to look fabulous at forty (me on the right)! From champagne cocktails to Home Bargain's mojito in a bag (was better than it sounds) we partied along Blackpool's Golden Mile when celebrating my friend's 40th birthday this Saturday. The spirit was strong but my feet were not willing after nine hours of partying, perhaps it was that teatime visit to Blackpools infamous Tower Lounge that tipped my poor feet over the edge, not a place for the fair-hearted I can promise you. I lasted from 2pm till 11pm, consuming numerous cocktails - my new favourite being the Revolution Bar's Strawberry Daiquiri (like an adult slushy drink, terrible head freeze when drank too fast!). I managed to spend a few hours dancing too but finally my feet refused to move no more and I literally had to crawl to bed. I just wish that there was a hangover cure as delicious as that strawberry daiquiri!