Shoe of the week

I'd be up for the challenge of wearing this for the whole of the Jubilee year My intention was to research pastel shoes as I'd spotted a pair of flats that I thought would be perfect for Shoe of the Week . Unfortunately, these shoes from Schuh grabbed my attention first. Now, these are perfect for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee year. I'm not really sure how or if I'll be celebrating the Queen's jubilee but I can remember that I celebrated her Silver Jubilee weekend in 1977 (I was five) wearing a red, white and blue homemade dress at a school party, then attended a fancy dress street party the following day. For her Golden Jubilee, I spent the afternoon in a bar enjoying 50p drinks while watching the big procession in London when Jimmy Savile was wowing the crowds in his trademark tracksuit. For the 2012 celebrations, I think I'd like to participate in a proper English afternoon tea with champagne to celebrate the Queen's special ye...