Wedding Shoes

I got married in 2009 in Vegas, we didn't have years to plan the wedding but wanted something small, not to fussy. Hence we went to Vegas! I didnt want a formal white wedding dress but something to go with my most treasured pair of shoes - Marc Jacobs I bought in San Fran a couple of years earlier (worthy of their own blog post later)The dress I chose was both different and not my first choice - it was salmon pink, had netted skirts and certainly didn't match my marc jacobs pale blue mary janes! However, finding the right shoes wasn't such a dilemma. I found a cute pair of silver shoes in New Look that really suited the dress. Another bonus was that they were kind of sixties style and reminded me of my mother's wedding shoes which I'd always liked. It helped me obtain a vintage style that I like and perfectly matched the vintage bouquet that a friend made for me. check out the picture!