Shoes in the news

Its always been said that you can find some hidden treasures in charity shops (and some of those fabulous bloggers out there are testament to that fact) but now Tatler are giving people a chance to find some designer fashion treasures in charity shops across the UK with The Tatler Treasure Hunt

The treasures, items from designers such as Louboutin, Jimmy Choo and Prada for the next three seasons, will be stashed in Cancer Research UK shops waiting to be discovered.  A perfect combination of getting a fashion fix while raising money to cure cancer.  Sounds like the perfect reason for making charity shops an essential detour on your retail route map, if they're not already.  Happy hunting!x


I bet there aren't any in my local shops, they are all full of rubbish! I'm so envious of some of the bloggers and their fab finds x
CameronPoe2409 said…
I know, my local shops are like that too. :(

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