A girl after my own heart

Kylie seems to have treated herself to some new items for her shoe closet (I imagine that she does have a shoe closet, possibly a massive one).  This week, she's been spotted about town wearing some of her new purchases - the YSL Mohawk pumps and the Louboutin Armony boots.  Both items I would be quite happy to see arrive in my wardrobe.  I'd spotted the Mohawks in a magazine and to be honest I wasn't that keen, but now I've seen someone wearing them, I've changed my mind. And now, its not just because the pop princess is wearing them!

Tomorrow is the first live X-Factor show, I can't wait to see wait Dannii has in store for us!

Must also give a special mention should also go to another (retired) pop princess Lily Allen, the pregnant mum-to-be was pictured shopping in Paris wearing killer heels.  No shopping in sensible shoes for our Lily!


behindtheshoes said…
I'm not so keen on the mohawks. But alot of the shoes Kylie posted on twitter are great !

Rachelle X
Pearl Westwood said…
Whilst I wasnt at all a fan of that YSL collection those heels have to be one of my ultimate lust have pairs - here praying for them to go on sale LOL! Lily has been looking absolutely amazing this fashion week, I really have a soft spot for her x
CameronPoe2409 said…
Behind the shoes - I need to use Twitter more and start following Kylie!

Pearl - I hope you get those YSL Mohawks, I'd love to see what outfits you'd pull together with them. PS hasn't Lily looked fab!
Pamela said…
they are mad those shoes! dont think i'd be brave enough to wear them. Lily Allens gunna regret that in 10 years time !

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