Still getting a tan in winter

tan shoes from Matalan circa 2007 I think

What is it about tan shoes that just really make an outfit pop or warm up a winter ensemble? There's something I really like about the richness of the colour especially with dark blue jeans.
My sister gave me these never-worn platforms from Matalan a couple of years ago. I love them and they have a bit of a retro seventies feel to them.  I call them my 'four-hour' shoes because, to be honest, that's about as long as I can actually wear them! Unfortunately they are really uncomfortable, I'm not sure if its the wooden heel and platform that aren't really that flexible but after a couple of hours wear my feet are ready to set free.  I just like them so much that I can't bear to part with them.  I guess I'm living up to the saying that fashion is pain.
I think I'm in need for a tan


Sharon said…
Hi there-they look really lovely, its a shame they're not more comfy! xx
Pearl Westwood said…
They are lovely, Im a fan of tan!! But such a shame they are killers :-(
Bhushavali said…
Oh my!!! That's sad!!! Its impossible to give up comfort for fashion!!! :(
An award and a Cheetah Outfit
Great shoes and yes that colour does look fab with jeans and a breton top of course! Have a great weekend xx
noone said…
aww I hate feet killers, sorry to hear that they are feet killers! The color looks nice. have a great weekend!
Abi Gray said…
Is the book you were referring to called 'A Vintage Affair' by any chance? If so, I have it and it's one of my favourite books! xx

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