Bad styling and a night in with Gerry - the weekend part 1

Well I'm halfway through the weekend and its been busy already.  My good friend Kath finally had her baby, a little beautiful girl called Violet and I met her yesterday.  I went with my sister Tara and friend Linzi (both mothers) who both have the natural confidence in holding babies while I (childless) have a complete fear of holding babies, I'm just so frightened of hurting or dropping them.  But I persevered, sat and held Violet for over five minutes (a personal achievement) with no mishaps!  Both Kath and her husband are soo happy and I'm just so pleased for them.

So last night after hospital visiting and a rack of lamb dinner cooked by Tara (yummy by the way) we watched the X-Factor and marvelled at how perfect and beautiful Nicole (not even going to attempt to spell her name) from Pussycat Dolls is.  As guest judge, she sat there looking a true A-List star in Victoria Beckham dresses, it gave us a perfect fashion fix until Danni M is back for the live shows.

We also watched a film and this is where the bad styling comes in!  The Back Up Plan stars Jennifer Lopez.  Its what I'd class as an easy-listening film, not that great but something that could pass away a few hours on a rainy afternoon.  Jennifer plays Zoe who hasn't found 'the one' and takes matters into her own hands and uses to sperm donor to have a baby.  On the day she is 'preginated' ,for want of a better word, she meets the man of her dreams!  Its a by-the-numbers chick flick/rom com.  What really surprised us was the bad styling.  Jennifer Lopez's outfits are to be frank, blooming awful. There are not flattering and in the majority of cases make her look downright frumpy!  She is renowned for her curvy figure but instead of clothes that would enhance her figure, they drowned it or some hemlines were so short that they made her looks dumpy.  The only consolation was that I spotted she was wearing some Louboutins!  I'm just really surprised, one of the key things you can guarantee from a chick flick, along with the happy ending, is that the star will always have a great wardrobe.  This just wasn't the case, the male lead had a better wardrobe!  Check out the trailer to get a taster of the wardrobe and see what you think! Let's hope she has a better back up plan for her next film.

Linzi knew that one day Gerry would be hers!

You know sometimes the best things in life are free.   My friend has a big crush on Gerald Butler and had spotted a large cardboard display in Blockbuster for Gerry's film The Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston.  After a while the display boards get chucked out so I managed to get this one saved. Using a little bit of home-crafting, we managed to 'pair up' Linzi and Gerry (see above). I'm definitely Team Linzi rather than Team Aniston now!

As today is Super Soccer Sunday (Liverpool v Manchester United, Blackpool v Chelsea) I'm off out for a few drinks with the girls.  I just need to decide what outfit to wear and of course its all about the shoes!


Abi Gray said…
Oh I totally agree about Nicole, she is absolutely flawless!! And she's a lot nicer than I imagined she would be.
All thought I'm Team Dannii all the way, that woman can do no wrong in my eyes. She's so lovely and always looks fab. I was so gutted that 'Style Queen' was only a 3 episode series. xx
Victoria said…
Sounds like you've had a really great week.

I think Nicole has come along way since her 'don't cha with your girlfriend was hot...' days. I've always thought she was stunning, but she didn't have the best style. As for Jennifer Lopez, I've never really though much of her style and this film is no exception, I still really really want to see it though.

Congrats to your friends on their baby xxx
CameronPoe2409 said…
Vintage Sparkle - I'm Team Danni too! Maybe they will give Style Queen another series, its far better than Katie Price!

Victoria - Definitely watch the film, its one of those that will be well suited to a rainy Autumn afternoon!
Anonymous said…
Clare i have just seen you have put the Gerry pics on here and laughed out loud......And my new Dune shoes will be here this week......... you will have to get pics of them little beauties xx

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